Many SAP output documents (such as order confirmations, purchase orders and customer statements) can now be easily built, managed and sent by email to busines partners using Floe.  In some scenarios an electronic version of the output (PDF document) is required for audit or archive.  In other scenarios a physical print may still be required.

With PDF Integration you can generate the PDF document output, using Floe for the design of the document and for the document generation.  This means that you can upgrade from the SAP legacy technologies such as SAPScript and SMARTFORMS, and put the task of document build in business users’ hands instead of IT.  Optionally, you can use to add a password to the PDF document to make it secure.  Floe 210 automatically integrates with, and for non-Floe output generation, sample code for both back-end (ABAP) and front-end (SAPUI5) scenarios is included.

Additionally, with PDF Transformation, you can generate postscript for any PDF, in order to send it automatically to a printer with no need for user intervention.

View the documentation